Original story:
Bandai Namco has announced the first DLC for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Called A New Power Awakens — Part 1, it based on the Dragon Ball Super anime and manga. The upcoming DLC introduces the Super Saiyan God transformation, as well as several key characters from the story arc.
According to the developer, it will follow Goku as he trains to battle Beerus, the God of Destruction, who serves as the primary antagonist for the Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC.
In addition, players will be trained by Whis in their journey to become a Super Saiyan God. Once the DLC has been completed, players will be able to use the transformation in the base Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot game. This could make the base game much more interesting, and possibly a whole lot easier.
While this is only the fourth or fifth strongest Super Saiyan form in the anime and manga, it’s the strongest to be introduced to a DBZ game so far. Screenshots also show that Vegeta will be able to access the form at some point during the DLC.
As Bandai Namco notes, players will be able to access A New Power Awakens — Part 1 at any point during the game, once it’s released sometime this spring. As of this writing, there is no news on Part 2.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has quickly become quite a favorite among fans of the franchise in recent weeks. However, this hasn’t meant that players aren’t curious about what may be next for the RPG, though they shouldn’t have too long to wait.