Examination Discovery’s ‘Dead Silent: Till Death Do Us Part’ accounts the frightful homicide and shows how an incidental capture and admission helped close the examination. To know where the executioner is as of now, we take care of you.


How Did Doug and Rozina Anderson Die? Doug and Rozina Anderson had secured the bunch only two years before their astonishing homicide and lived in Lake Oswego, Oregon. While Rozina worked at a Sears store at the Washington Square Mall in Portland, Oregon, Doug ran a sign organization in Lake Oswego. Besides, the pair, who were additionally anticipating having a child, wanted to travel and were very amped up for their setting up camp outing in Northern California. Portrayed as merciful and exuberant individuals who were prepared 100% of the time to leap to anybody’s assistance, the two are horrendously missed right up ’til today.

In August of 1988, Doug and Rozina were exploring nature in Northern California. They even kept a record of their exercises in a journal, and the keep going passage was made on August 15. At first, neither Doug nor Rozina’s family had some awareness of the awful destiny that had come upon the pair. Notwithstanding, with Rozina due to rejoin work, her boss got restless when she didn’t appear.

They reached her family, who thusly got the police in question, lastly, on August 22, 1988, the police ran over their vehicle off Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park Campground’s Howland Hill Road in Crescent City, California. Inside, specialists observed Doug and Rozina’s perished bodies, and a post-mortem later affirmed that a few was shot on numerous occasions, which prompted their passing.

Who Killed Doug and Rozina Anderson? The underlying examination concerning Doug and Rozina’s homicide was long and dreary. With close to zero leads at the homicide scene, the police had to endure many meetings with colleagues, companions, and relatives. Notwithstanding, a large portion of them appeared to be in shock, and none knew with respect to why anybody would hurt the blissful couple. Despite the fact that specialists attempted their hardest and left nothing unrestrained in their exhaustive examination, they couldn’t concoct a presume list or an individual of interest. Then again, there were likewise no observers to point officials in the right heading. Subsequently, with close to no advance, the case sat lethargic and perplexing for a long time.

It just so happens, in one more shocking however inconsequential occasion on December 6, 1986, 17-year-old Annette Thur was assaulted and killed while getting back from a party in Boulder Creek, California. Shockingly, similar as Doug and Rozina’s homicide, Annette’s killing likewise had no clear leads or suspects, prompting a sluggish examination. Be that as it may, 26 years after her homicide, the Sheriff’s office chose to return to and close whatever number virus cases as could reasonably be expected. When they ran over Annette’s homicide, they chose to test the DNA test gathered from the scene against the data set and got an ideal pair.

The example matched John William Kelley, who was at that point indicted for assault beforehand in another irrelevant occurrence. As John anticipated his preliminary for the assault and murder of Annette Thur, he out of nowhere chosen to confess all to the police. Subsequently, in the wake of getting the head prosecutor’s office to get capital punishment off the table, he admitted to killing Doug and Rozina Anderson. Afterward, the police said that he had some awareness of a few complicated subtleties of the homicide, which further demonstrated his association in the twofold homicide.

Where Could John William Kelley Now be? Prior to being placed being investigated for Doug and Rozina Anderson’s homicide, John was indicted for Annette Thur’s assault and murder and was condemned to life in jail without the chance for further appeal. Thusly, he entered a liable supplication for Doug and Rozina’s homicide and was condemned to two sequential life sentences in 2015. Hence, with parole out of the situation, John Kelley is imprisoned at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility in Kings County, California.