Double Fine has finally heard the pleas of its fans, and the team is taking steps to bring Psychonauts back from the dead and place it squarely within the hearts of the gaming community. As long as the whopping $3.3 million dollars they’re requesting gets funded.

Psychonauts 2 is being crowdfunded on Fig, a platform created by former Double Fine COO Jonathan Bailey earlier this year. As with other crowdfunding platforms, there are a number of backing tiers with some swank goodies for diehard fans to bring home along with the game.

The funding being asked for on Fig is $3.3 million dollars, which as the crowdfunding campaign itself states is not enough to fully fund the game. The $3.3 million will be paired with funds from Double Fine themselves and an undisclosed external partner to reach at least the $10 to $13.5 million budget the original Psychonauts used.

It’s great to see that Raz may be back in action, but the game’s not funded just yet – and Double Fine have a reputation for not being the timeliest of developers. That said, it’s hard to imagine Psychonauts 2 not being funded. Here’s to hoping!