The emergency clinic additionally demanded individuals from its staff didn’t film the unscripted television star on his wiped out bed.

Swavey, who was engaged with an auto collision on Tuesday, died on Thursday subsequent to consuming hours on time on earth support.

A video, which moved on Twitter following the star’s demise, showed complicated wellbeing laborers around Rico, while he lay inclined on the debilitated bed.

A tweep who shared the video essentially said, “Wellbeing orderlies were simply making recordings and chuckling while somebody was biting the dust. Apologies, Rico #ricoswavey.”

The video has been followed by shock at the wellbeing laborers and the office which many estimated was Doren Clinic, Ajah, Lagos State.

On Thursday, Rico’s dear companion and individual housemate, Alex Uncommon, likewise pummeled clinics which don’t speedily take care of patients hurried into their office.

“May God rebuff these emergency clinics that require some investment to begin chipping away at individuals that are raced to the clinic. You have caused such a lot of torment for what? What is cash that you let lives go like this by slowing down?,” she composed on her Instagram stories.

Doren has, nonetheless, exposed claims of its wellbeing laborers keeping Swavey from getting instant clinical consideration.

An assertion shared through the clinic’s Instagram page on Friday nitty gritty the treatment given to the unscripted television star on landing in the clinic and furthermore expressed that its medical caretakers were not liable for the viral video.

Named ‘Frequency REPORT ON A RTA CASE Welcomed TO DOREN Expert Emergency clinic ON TUESDAY Eleventh OCTOBER, 2022 AT 1:45 AM’, the assertion guaranteed that an “obscure patient” was acquired draining and “possessing an aroma like liquor”, given medical aid, and subsequently alluded to Evercare clinic for “earnest neurosurgical survey.”

The assertion read to a limited extent, “Endeavors were made to follow his family and one female companion of his (Miss Ify Helen Eze, telephone no-070**) came into the office to see him. She and the great Samaritan who brought the patient were recounted the seriousness of his condition, the requirement for critical neurosurgical survey and furthermore the should be alluded to Evercare emergency clinic. Miss Ify Helen Eze blacked out on seeing his condition and she must be revived.

“A definite reference letter was composed and given to the relations. After an underlying hesitance, they acknowledged the letter. In any case, prior to leaving both of them (Miss Ify and the Great Samaritan) chose to make a video to excuse themselves from being embroiled as being liable for the patient’s condition. In all likelihood Miss Ify Helen Eze and her accomplice (Great Samaritan) are individuals who videoed and posted via web-based entertainment because of reasons most popular to them.

Former Big Brother Naija’s housemate, Alex Unusual, has slammed Nigerian hospitals who delay treatment of patients because of money.

She said this on her InstaStory on Thursday.

— Punch Newspapers (@MobilePunch) October 13, 2022

“Doren Medical caretakers begged them to assist with taking the patient to the vehicle and quit videoing. Never in time did a Doren staff video the patient or snicker. One of the medical caretakers talked in Hausa attempting to convince them to help with moving the patient who has previously been situated on our step seat and fit to be moved to the vehicle. all things considered, they continued videoing.

“The next morning, our medical attendants connected with Miss Ify Helen Eze to learn about the ongoing state of the patient and we were informed the patient was at present hospitalized and getting care in Evercare Emergency clinic. 72 hours after the reference from Doren Expert Emergency clinic, we were stunned to hear that the young fellow had passed on. Doren and its staff identify with the group of the departed.”

The medical clinic additionally unveiled that it was as of now working with the Lagos State Wellbeing Office Observing and Authorization Organization to examine the genuine wellspring of the video.