Doramon Story of Seasons features the well-known characters from the Japanese anime and manga series, Doraemon, living in a Story of Seasons setting, performing daily farm tasks, and interacting with the local townspeople in Shizen Town.

Doraemon, as one might expect, tells the story Doraemon. He’s a cat from the 22nd century who traveled back in time and now lives with the Nobi family and is particular friends with the other main character, Nobita.

Famitsu recently interviewed Bandai Namco producer Kouji Nakajima and Brownies’ development planner Kasumi Sugita about the game’s structure and focus to give fans a better idea of what they can expect from the game.

Nakakima is known for being a fan of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, and some elements of Doraemon Story of Seasons reflect that, most notably the farming elements.

For instance, the early game’s farming tasks are rather difficult. Despite Nobita having access to Doraemon’s signature gadgets that can make some tasks easier, these aren’t endless, meaning players will still encounter challenges.

The Story of Seasons crossover blends the story beats from Doraemon into traditional farming sim gameplay as well.

Sugita mentioned the town’s central story revolves around a giant tree said to have been grown by a goddess. Players uncover the connection between the tree and why the Nobi family arrived in Shizen Town to begin with, which gives the game more of a central narrative and adventure elements than previous Story of Seasons titles.

Doraemon’s themes of family bonds and doing one’s best regardless of what talents and abilities one has also play a significant role. Along with developing the Nobi family’s bonds, players will discover the backstories of the numerous shopkeepers and townspeople, all of which relate to familial love — for siblings, parents and children, and even pets.

In fact, Shouhei Yamashita, another Brownies development planner, said the total volume of sub-stories is actually five times the main narrative’s size.

Doraemon Story of Seasons launches June 13 in Japan and, as mentioned, is set for a fall release date in the West.