Issues reported so far

The list of problems, along with the number of players reporting them, is rapidly expanding as the hours progress. From the moment the game went live on Steam, the forums were full of discussions of people having trouble with the game.

Here are some of the more common issues players are experiencing:

Performance issues (FPS Slow down) Unable to start the game Frequent game crashes Severe multiplayer lag Momentary freezing Long loading times Controls momentarily freezing Sound issues

These are just the more common problems, and players are still reporting a lot more than the ones mentioned.

Id Software has a lot of work to do

It is disappointing having to download a game for an average of 10-24 hours – and that’s after paying $59.99 only to find so many issues. Not to mention that the game may not even start up once you do get it downloaded.

Id Software is known for their reliable launches, and to experience this is a sad day for fans of the developer.

I, too, have been plagued with issues since launch including difficulty starting it up, frequent freezing and crashing. With the list of problems ever growing, Id Software has a lot of work to do as they attempt to redeem themselves of this nightmare launch.

Have you bought and played DOOM? Are you experiencing any issue? Let me know in the comments below.